Dried lavender is our biggest seller

dried lavender

Our dried lavender experience spans 20 years. We’ve been specialising in Lavandula grains, bunches and bags since 2003.

Not only do we import French lavender by the lorryload, we also support UK growers wherever we can.

We are able to supply small retail right up to large wholesale orders of many sacks or boxes!

Scroll down for our retail range.



Buy lavender grains, bunches, bags and sachets

Great prices on fragrant loose grains for bags and potpourri! Buy just a few grammes to 1Kg, or right up to 10Kg sacks plus! Choose from French or British Lavandula prized for its high essential oil content and great scent – just check out our reviews!

We are pleased to offer a large range of flowers, bunches and other products. Products include bags and sachets filled by us to order in our Sussex workshops. Buy relaxing pure essential oil for aromatherapy. We have French and British bunches in shades of pale, mid or dark blue for bouquets and sheaves. We have various grades of grains including Organic, British, French Fragrant and Pale Blue buds. The pale blue buds are popular as an alternative fragrant wedding confetti and throw like rice. Home fragrance products include British fragrance oils, or our hand mixed potpourri which can also be used for aromatherapy bags.

buy dried lavender bunch
Dried lavender bunches


dried lavender grains
Dried lavender loose


lavender bags
Lavender bags and sachets


lavender home fragrance potpourri
Buy lavender home fragrance


lavender oil aromatherapy
Lavender oil and aromatherapy


  • Bring that fresh floral scent into your home!
  • Add a laundry day fragrance to your linen cupboard or drawers.
  • Relax and unwind with aromatherapy oils.
  • Make potpourri for home fragrance or buy it ready-made.
  • Lavandula stems for floristry, mixed bouquets and home decor.
  • Use sprigs in wreaths and flower crowns.
  • For more craft ideas visit our blog at driedflowercraft.co.uk.