We’re proud of our dried flowers and want you to be happy with them

Cancellation policy and returns

If you change your mind before the item leaves our premises, we are happy to cancel straight away for a full refund including delivery.

Once you have received the item and it is faulty, or not what you ordered, please tell us straight away, and we will arrange a refund or replacement*. Returned items should be complete with packaging wherever possible. If we are at fault, we will pay return postage, but please keep a posting receipt for reference, and contact us before sending anything. Returned items that are not faulty must be sufficiently well packaged that they are resaleable when we receive them.

If you change your mind within 60 days, you are welcome to send the item back to us in its original condition, complete with packaging. You will receive a full refund but we will not reimburse return postage. Again, please contact us before sending and ensure the item is carefully packaged.

Please be aware that if the item is not faulty, the customer will be liable for return postage. Heavy items may be expensive to send back to us.

It is the nature of natural botanicals that they can be a little brittle – small imperfections can be snipped off, hopefully leaving plenty of the bunch intact.

*Hand-mixed confetti, hand-filled fabric bags (all lavender bags, rose bud bags and rose petal bags) and hand-tied bouquets are made to order and we reserve the right not to accept returns on these items unless they are faulty. Please contact us to check.

High value orders – For returns on non-faulty items over £100 we may charge a 15% re-stocking fee, which covers expenses incurred by us. If you are unsure of an item, do buy a small quantity to test, or samples are often available.

More information about our website, shop, flowers and dried lavender