Our bulk lavender

Our large pack sizes of lavender grains have great reviews – customers comment on the clean fragrance and reliable quality in particular. We have loyal regular trade customers who wouldn’t consider buying from anyone else!

Buy wholesale lavender

Our trade and bulk pack sizes are available to all with no need for a special trade login. Bulk pack sizes start at 1Kg ( a kilo is about the size of a football), up to multiple 10Kg sacks. The bigger the pack size, the better the bulk discount. We show prices including VAT which means you’ll have a better idea of what you’ll actually have to pay, and a low flat rate shipping fee.

We sell thousands of kilos of dry lavender grains every year!

Click the links to buy wholesale dry Lavandula:

  • Loose grains including our most popular fragrant dry lavender for bags and potpourri in bulk packs.
  • Bulk lavender bags in various sizes and designs.
  • Choose a French or English bunch for floristry and home decor in pale or dark blue. We sell thousands of these too!
  • Wholesale lavender in natural blue for use as wedding confetti.
  • Certified organic lavender grains by the kilo.
  • We sell exclusive wholesale lavender mixes with other dried flowers for confetti and scented potpourri in bulk packs.

Bulk lavender grains – fragrant – 1Kg to 10Kg plus

wholesale dried lavender grains 10Kg sack Our French fragrant dried lavender is our most highly scented and popular wholesale item and is available online in pack sizes up to 60Kg.

Just check out all those 5* reviews such as Lynn who said:

“A speedy delivery. The lavender has great, long lasting fragrance. Exactly what I required”





Lavender bunch wholesale

buy lavender bunch wholesale We have lavender bunch bulk packs, both English and French varieties.

Buy pale blue stems – French

These are particularly popular for floristry, weddings and wreath making.

Buy mid blue stems – English





Dried lavender bags wholesale

buy dried lavender bags Our most popular lavender bag is our mini organza lavender bag which can be supplied in a choice of 27 colours, filled with our popular fragrant French lavender.


As with all our bulk products, the bigger the pack size the cheaper they get! If a pack size isn’t big enough for your needs, just ask!



Lavender confetti wholesale

buy lavender confetti wholesale

This is a soft blue natural confetti and throws like rice. Bulk packs also available in fragrant mixes with other flower petals.


It has a more delicate fragrance than some other varieties.






Related links –


Our retail lavender range


How to choose which lavender flowers to buy


More wholesale dried flowers