Buy dried poppy seed heads bunch UK

Natural seed pods of the Poppy flower grow in shades of light to dark grey and brown once the flower has faded.

Poppy size varies depending on the variety.

The dry pods are great used for home decor and as a filler in dried flower bouquets.

buy poppy seed heads bunch

Poppy pod stems – choice of bunch types

Large dried poppies

buy poppy seed heads bunch large Large sized Papaver pods like the ones above and left can be up to 4 cm across. This dried flower bunch is usually just under 60cm long and the larger the pod the smaller the stem count, for example our largest pods are sent as a bunch of eight unbranched stems.  We source them from a UK grower.

Buy large poppy stems UK






Medium poppies

buy poppy seed heads dried medium

Our Medium dry Poppy seed heads bunch contains dried pods of field Poppy. Each light brown seed head is only 1 to 3 cm long and about 1 cm across. The bunch of poppy seed pods we counted consisted of about 15 branched stems.

Buy poppy pods medium






Small poppy bunch

dried poppy stems small Bunches of small Poppy heads  – Each seed head is only 1-2cm long and often less than 1cm across. The bunch of poppy seed pods we counted consisted of 40+ heads.

Buy small poppy seed heads bunch






Wholesale poppy heads

Also selling wholesale Poppies in bulk packs – see our wholesale dried flowers department. We sell all three variety of poppy stems but availability may vary seasonally.

Please note we don’t sell Poppies or any of our bunches for food use.

More seed pods and seed heads

Poppy seed pods grow beneath the flower

poppy petals seed heads

This picture of a large Poppy going to seed shows how the pods develop below the petals.

The smaller Field Poppies tend to grow in much the same way.

You can also see from the image that the stems start off green – these can be left to dry on the plant before picking, by which time they’ve turned brown or grey and woody.

Read about another popular bunch:

Dried Craspedia aka Billy buttons